PCB Inspection: Visual vs AOI

June 28, 2022

Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are an essential component of most electronics. A PCB can have hundreds or thousands of components on it, and every part must be installed correctly, oriented properly, and connected perfectly. Therefore, it is vital to inspect PCBs to ensure that they are error-free and will function correctly. There are two main methods for PCB inspection: Visual Inspection and AOI (Automated Optical Inspection). In this blog post, we will compare the two inspection methods and help you choose which is best depending on your requirements.

Visual Inspection

Visual inspection is done manually by a human operator. This inspection is done after the PCB is assembled and before it is powered on. The inspector carries out a visual examination of every component on the PCB to ensure that everything is correctly installed, no incorrect components were used, and no soldering defects. Visual inspection is an affordable and straightforward method of inspection that requires no special equipment.

One of the downsides of visual inspection is the potential for human error, which could cause an error in the inspection process. Another disadvantage is that visual inspection is prone to operator fatigue, which can lead to errors over long shifts. Finally, the speed of the visual inspection can be impacted by the complexity of the PCB and the number of components requiring inspection.

AOI Inspection

AOI Inspection is an automated process that uses a machine vision system that includes high-quality cameras and specialized software. This inspection is done after the PCB is assembled and before it is powered on. AOI Inspection can inspect a high volume of PCBs quickly with no human error, making it more efficient and reliable than visual inspection.

AOI Inspection can detect a wide range of flaws, including missing components or mismatches, wrong orientation, and solder defects. AOI Inspection can help identify minor defects that might be missed by a human inspector. The machine learning algorithms used in AOI systems are capable of analyzing thousands of images in real-time, which can provide a high degree of accuracy.

One of the downsides of AOI Inspection is the initial investment cost of the machines, which can be relatively expensive. Another issue is that AOI Inspection can sometimes return false positives, requiring that human operators intervene to check if there is an error.


PCB Inspection Method Visual Inspection AOI Inspection
Cost Inexpensive Expensive
Speed Slow Fast
Accuracy Moderate High
Human Error High None
Flexibility Low Moderate


In summary, both Visual Inspection and AOI Inspection have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of inspection method will depend on the specific requirements of the manufacturer. Visual Inspection is an affordable and straightforward process, but it is prone to human error and can be affected by operator fatigue. AOI Inspection is more accurate and efficient, but the machines are expensive, and there can be false positives.

It is important to note that while AOI Inspection provides automation and higher accuracy, there is no substitute for the experience and skill of a trained human inspector. A skilled inspector can identify defects based on knowledge and experience, which can help prevent issues that may go unnoticed with AOI Inspection.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable information about the two main PCB Inspection methods. By weighing the pros and cons of both methods, you should now be in a better position to make an informed decision that is best for your specific needs.


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